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AA.VV. Nuove regioni e riforma dello Stato Torino, 1993

AA.VV. Per un nuovo regionalismo Roma, 1994

ADAMS Henry (Ed.) Documents Relating to New-England Federalism, 1800-1815 Boston 1905

AGULLA Carlos Juan Federalismo y Centralismo Buenos Aires 1967

ALBERTINI Mario Il federalismo e lo Stato federale. Antologia e definizioni Milano 1963

ALBERTONI E. A, GANCI M Federalismo, regionalismo, autonomismo Palermo 1989

ALEWANDROWICZ Is India a Federation? in: "The International and Comp. Law Quarterly" (1954) 74-97

ALTHUSIUS Johannes Politica Methodice Digesta Friedrich C.J. (cur) Cambridge 1932

ALTHUSIUS Johannes Politica (tr. it. parziale)Demetrio Neri (cur) Napoli 1981

AMLUND Arthur Federalism in the Southern Confederacy Washington 1966

ANTON Thomas J American Federalism and Public Policy New York 1989

ARON Robert, MARC Alexandre Principes du fédéralisme Paris 1948

ATTARDO MAGRINI M Il federalismo. Essenza, Storia, Pratica Milano 1946

BAILYN Bernard The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Cambridge 1967

BAKE Constantinus Beschouwingen over den Statenbond en Bondsstaast Amsterdam 1881

BANCAL J Proudhon, pluralisme et autogestion Paris 1970

BANCROFT G History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America New York 1882

BANNON John Cooperative Federalism: Good Policy and Good Government 16 Canberra (1992)

BANSK J.C. Federal Britain? London 1971

BASSANI, VITALE, STEWART , I Concetti del federalismo, Milano, 1995

BAUMGARTNER Eugen Das Reich und die Länder Karlsruhe 1923

BEARD Charles A American Government and Politics New York 1925

BEARD Charles A An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States New York 1913

BEARD Charles A The Enduring Federalist Garden City 1948

BEER Samuel To Make a Nation: the Rediscovery of American Federalism Cambridge 1993

BELLONI G. A Carlo Cattaneo e la sua idea federale Pisa 1974

BERGER G (cur) Le fédéralisme Paris 1956

BERGER Raoul Federalism: The Founder's Design Norman 1987

BERNERI Camillo Peter Kropotkin. His Federalist Ideas London 1943

BERNERI Camillo La crisi dello Stato in: "Umanitá Nova" Milano, 3/9/1921

BERSELLI Aldo Democrazia e federalismo nel Risorgimento Bologna 1946

BERTOLISSI Sergio Lineamenti costituzionali del "federalismo fiscale" Padova 1982

BEYERLE Konrad Föderalistische Reichspolitik München 1924

BISCARETTI DI RUFFIA Paolo Profili costituzionali fondamentali del federalismo negli Stati Uniti d'America in: Plures "Il federalismo statunitense fra autonomie e centralizzazione" Bologna (1979) 25

BLACK Edwin R Divided Loyalties: Canadian Concepts of Federalism Montreal 1975

BLUMER J.J. Handbuch des Schweizerischen Bundesstaatsrechts Neuchatel-Geneve 1877-87 (2a ed)

BLUNTSCHLI Johann Geschichte des Schweizerischen Bundesrechts Zürich (2a ed.) 1875

BLUNTSCHLI Johann The Theory of the State Oxford 1892

BOBBIO Norberto Funzionalismo e federalismo in: "La Comunita' Internazionale" 1947

BOBBIO Norberto Il federalismo nel dibattito politico e culturale della Resistenza in: S. PISTONE (cur) "L'idea dell'Unificazione europea dalla prima alla seconda guerra mondiale Torino 1975

BOBBIO Norberto Una filosofia militante. Studi su Carlo Cattaneo Torino 1971

BODENHAMER DAVID J., ELY W. James Jr. The Bill of Rights in Modern America: After 200 Years 1993

BOGNETTI Giovanni L'esperienza federale americana e l'attuale vocazione italiana al federalismo. Una riflessione comparatistica Milano 1980

BOGNETTI Giovanni Federalismo "Voce del Digesto" Torino, 1991

BOMBWALL K R The Foundation of Indian Federalism New York 1967

BONFIGLIOLI L Il federalismo di Giuseppe Ferrari in: "Bollettino del Museo del Risorgimento" 37 (1992) 73-85

BOOGMAN J C ,VAN DER PLAAT G N Federalism: History and Current Significance of a Form of Government The Hague1980

BOOKCHIN Murray La democrazia diretta. Idee per un municipalismo libertario Milano 1993

BORDEN Morton The Federalism of James A. Bayard New York 1955

BOURGEOIS N Proudhon, le federalisme et la paix Paris 1926

BOWIE Robert Richardson, FRIEDRICH C. J Studies in Federalism Boston - Toronto 1954 (trad. it., Milano 1959)

BOWMAN Ann O'M, KEARNEY Richard The Resurgence of the States Englewood Cliffs 1986

BOWMAN Ann O'M , PAGANO A. Michael The State of American Federalism 1989-1990 in: "Publius" 20 3 (1990) 1-26

BOWMAN Ann O'M , PAGANO A. The State of American Federalism (1991-1992) in: "Publius" 22 3 (1992) 1-20

BRANCROFT G History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America New York 1882

BRAND Jean, WATTS Lowell H Federalism Today Washington 1969

BRESNICK David New Roles for State Officials in an Age of Fiscal Federalism in: "State Government" 53 (1980) 81-83

BRETON Albert, SCOTT Anthony The economic Constitution of Federal States Toronto, Buffalo, London 1978

BRIE Siegfred Der Bundesstaat Leipzig 1874

BROSIO Giorgio Equilibri instabili Torino 1994

BROWN John C. Lloyd Centralizing and Decentralizing Trends in Federal States New York 1988

BRUGMANS Henri La pensée politique du fédéralisme Sijthoff 1969

BRUGMANS Henri Panorama del pensiero federalista Milano 1960

BRUNIALTI A Unioni e combinazioni fra gli stati. Gli stati composti e lo stato federale Torino 1891

BRYCE J B The American Commonwealth London-New York 1888

BUCHANAN Allen Secession. The Morality of Political Divorce from Fort Sumter to Lithuania and Quebec Oxford 1991 (tr. it. Milano 1994)

BUCHANAN Allen Toward a Theory of Secession in: "Ethics" (1991) 322-42

BUCHHEIT Lee C., Secession: The Legitimacy of Self-Determination, New Haven 1978

BUCKLEY James L The Trouble with Federalism: It Isn't Being Tried" in: "Commonsense" I (1978) 1-17

BURGESS Michael, GAGNON Alain (ed.) Comparative Federalism and Federation Competing Traditions and Future Directions Hertfordshire 1993

BURGESS Michael (ed.) Federalism and Federation in Western Europe London 1986

BURNS J.M., PELTASON J.W Government by the People. The Dynamics of American National State and Local Government Englewood Cliffs 1960

BURNS J.M., James Madison, Philosopher of the Constitution New Brunswick 1938

BURROWS B, DENTON G Devolution or Federalism? Options for the United Kingdom Atlantic Highlands 1981

CAIRNS A. C The other crisis of Canadian Federalism in: "Canadian Public Administration" 1979

CAIRNS C. Alan The Dilemmas of Constitutional Reform Montreal 1992

CALAMANDREI P Stato federale e confederazione di Stati Napoli 1968

CALIFANO L Innovazione e conformita' nel sistema regionale spagnolo Milano 1988

CALKINS Susannah, SHANNON John The New Formula for Fiscal Federalism: Austerity Equals Decentralization in: "Intergovernmental Perspective" 8 (1982) 23-29

CARALEY Demetrios Changing Conceptions of Federalism in: "Political Science Quarterly" 101 (1986) 289-306

CARMELLINI M (ED.) Piccola antologia federalista Roma 1957

CARNEY Frederick The Politics of Johannes Althusius Boston 1964

CARR Edward Hallett Nations ou fédéralisme Paris 1946

CARROL Matthew S., HENDRIX G. William Federally Protected Rivers: The Need for Effective Local Involvement in: "American Planning Association" 58 3 (1992) 346

CATTANEO CARLO Antologia di scritti politici Giuseppe Galasso(cur) Bologna 1973

CATTANEO CARLO L'uomo e la Storia. Storiografia, filosofia della storia, antropologia FOCHER Ferruccio (cur) Milano 1973

CATTANEO CARLO Opere (Edizione a cura del Comitato Italo-Svizzero per la pubblicazione delle opere di Carlo Cattaneo) Firenze 1948-65 - 5 voll.

CATTANEO CARLO Opere edite e inedite Firenze 1881-1883 - 3 voll.

CATTANEO CARLO Scritti filosofici Norberto Bobbio (cur) Firenze 1960 - 3 voll.

CATTANEO CARLO Scritti politici Mario Boneschi (Cur) Firenze 1964-65 - 4 voll., 19 cm.

CATTANEO CARLO Scritti storici e geografici SALVEMINI G., SESTAN E. (Cur) Firenze 1957

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CATTANEO M. A Considerazioni sull'idea di Repubblica federale nell'Illuminismo francese in: ""Studi Sassaresi" (1968) 77-100

CHACON Vamireh Federalismo apparente e unitarismo permanente in: "Revista brasileira de Estudos Politicos" 42 (1976) 107-26

CHANDA A Federalism in India. A Study of Union-State Relations London 1965

CHERBULIEZ A. E La democrazia nella Svizzera Torino 1890 - vol. VI - parte seconda

CIUFFOLETTI Zeffiro Federalismo e regionalismo. Da Cattaneo alla Lega

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CLARK Cal e Janet Federal Aid to Local Governments in the West: An Irony of the Reagan Revolution in: "Policy Studies Review" 11 1 (1992)91-99

CLARK Gordon L Judges and the Cities: Interpreting Local Autonomy Chicago 1985

CLARK Jane Perry The Rise of a New Federalism New York 1938 - 2ed. 1965

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CLOSE David Federal-Provincial Politics and Constitutional Reform in Canada: A Study in Political Opposition in : "Publius" 15 1 (1985), 161

COHEN Maxwell The Search for a Viable Federalism in: "Manitoba Law School Journal" 3 (1969) 1-18

COLLIER Christopher, COLLIER James LINCOLN Decision in Philadelphia - The Constitutional Convention of 1787 New York 1986

CONLAN Timothy New Federalism: Intergovernmental Reform from Nixon to Reagan introduzione di Samuel H. Beer Washington 1988

CORNELL S. A The Changing Historical Fortunes of the Anti-Federalists in: "Northwestern University Law Review" 84 1 (1989) 39-73

CORRADO Voce "Federazione" in: "Nuovo Digesto Italiano" V (1938) - 1047-48 Torino 1938

CORWIN Edward S The Passing of Dual Federalism in: "Virginia Law Review" 36 (1950) 1-24

COVER Robert, ALEINIKOFF Alezander Dialectical Federalism: Habeas Corpus and the Court in: " Yale Law Journal" 86 (1977) 1035-1102

COWEN Federal Jurisdiction in Australia New York 1959

CRAIG Steven G, INMAN P. Robert Education, Welfare and the 'New' Federalism: State Budgeting in a Federalist Public Economy Cambridge 1985

CRAMP Karl R The State and Federal Constitutions of Australia 1914

CRANSTON Ross F From Co-operative to Coercive Federalism and Back? in: "Federal Law Review" 10 (1979) 121-42

CREPEAU P. A, MacPHERSON C. B The Future of Canadian Federalism Toronto 1965

CRISP L. F Parliamentary Government in the Commonwealth of Australia (1949)

CROSSKEY William Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States Chicago 1953

D'ATENA A. (a cura di) Federalismo e regionalismo in Europa Milano, 1994

DANESE Attilio Dizionario delle idee politiche, Ave, Roma 1993, 318-324 (voce Federalismo)

DANESE Attilio Movimento cattolico e federalismo, in AA.VV., Dizionario storico del movimento cattolico, direttori Francesco Traniello e Giorgio Campanini, , aggiornamento 1980-1995,  Marietti 1820, Genova 1997, 63-70.

DANESE Attilio Federalismo, in M. Moreno Villa (a cura di), Diccionario de pensamiento contemporáneo, San Pablo, Madrid 1997, pp. 510-515.

DANESE Attilio Stato sociale e federalismo nel pensiero cattolico,  in Aa. Vv., Lo Stato sociale nel pensiero cattolico, Tellus, Roma 1998, pp. 93-129.

DANESE Attilio Nodi teoretici del federalismo politico, in Ugo Collu, Il federalismo tra filosofia e politica, Centro per la filosofia italiana / Fondazione Costantino Nivola, Roma-Nuoro 1998, pp. 17-49.

DANESE Attilio Il modulo personalista unità-diversità per  l'unità federale  dei popoli europei. L'apporto di E.Mounier e Denis de Rougemont,   in  Melita theologica (Rabat-Malta), 2 (1988), 127-154.

DANESE Attilio Per un federalismo personalista, solidale ed europeo, in  Prospettiva Persona , n.7 (1994), 5-10.

DANESE Attilio Democratia ascendenta, solidaritate, responsabilitate, in Aa.Vv., Democratia locala in Romania contemporana, Fundatia Episcopul Grigorie Leu, Bucarest 1995, pp. 226- 236.

DANESE Attilio Democratia, un edificiu în perpetua constructie, in Probleme de democratie în viziunea a trei cercetatori italieni, Fundatia Episcopul Grigorie Leu, 1995, pp. 7-18.

DANESE Attilio  Perszonalista demokrácia és  a helyi autonómiák. Etikai-filozofiai alapelvek, in Aa. Vv., Demokrácia és a helyi demokráciák, Magyar J. Maritain Egyesület, Budapest 1995, pp. 63-78.

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DANESE Attilio Il federalismo integrale di A. Marc, in Federalismo & Società (Bologna), anno III, n. 4 (1996), 53-102.

DANESE Attilio Sì al federalismo solidale, no alla secessione, in Prospettiva Persona , n.15(1996),3-4

DANESE Attilio Il pensiero politico federalista in Italia, in Ars Brevis , Cátedra Ramon Llull Blanquerna, Barcellona 1997, pp. 177-209.

DAUER Manning The Adams Federalists Baltimore 1953

DAVIS S. Rufus Cooperative Federalism in Retrospect in: "Historical Studies" 5 (1952) 212-34

DAVIS S. Rufus The Federal Principle: A Journey Through Time in Quest of a Meaning Berkeley 1978

DEAKIN Alfred The Federal Story 1944

DE FRANCESCO A Il governo senza testa. Movimento democratico e federalismo nella Francia rivoluzionaria 1789-1795 Napoli 1992

DE GRUYTER W (Ed.) Föderalismus als nationales und internationales Ordnungsprinzip Berlin 1964

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DEMBKOWSKI Harry E The Union of Lublin: Polish Federalism in the Golden Age New York 1982

DENITCH Bogdan The Evolution of Yugoslav Federalism in : "Publius" 7 4 (1977) 107

DENNEWITZ Bodo Der Föderalismus: Sein Wesen un Seine Geschichte Hamburg 1947

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DENTON D. R, BURROWS B Devolution or Federalism? Options for a United Kingdom Londra 1980

DE ROSA Marshall L The Confederate Constitution of 1861: An Inquiry into American Constitutionalism Columbia e London 1991

DERTHICK Martha Between State and Nation Washington 1964

DERTHICK Martha Between State and Nation: Regional Organization of the United States Washington 1974

DEUERLEIN Ernst Föderalismus: Die historischen und philosophischen Grundlagen des Föderativen Prinzips Munich 1972

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DEWAR Margaret E. Loans to Business to Encourage Rural Economic Development in: "Policy Studies" 20 2 (1992) 230-240

DIAMOND Ann STUART The Zenith of Separation of Powers Theory: The Federal Convention of 1787 in : "Publius" 8 3 (1978) 45

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DIAMOND Martin The Forgotten Doctrine of Enumerated Powers in : "Publius" 6 4 (1976) 187

DIAMOND Martin The Separation of Powers and the Mixed Regime in : "Publius" 8 3 (1978) 33

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DILGER Robert Jay National Intergovernmental Programs Englewood Cliffs 1989

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DOUGLAS William O Toward a Global Federalism New York 1970

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GABRIEL Oscar W. Federalism and Party Democracy in West Germany in : "Publius" 19 4 (1989) 65

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GLAZER Nathan Federalism and Ethnicity: The Experience of the United States in : "Publius" 7 4 (1977) 71

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